“Happy are those who live in your house, continually singing your praise!
Happy the pilgrims whom you strengthen, to make the ascent to you” (Psalm 84, 5-6)

The Assumptionists
Augustinians of the Assumption was founded by Fr Emmanuel d'Alzon (1810-1880) in France in 1845. Our mission is the Church's mission "to gather all men into the People of God" (Rule of life n°13) and live in the spirit of Saint Augustine.
Our life is regulated by daily prayer, the service and the deep desire for the coming of the Kingdom of God in us and around us. Today, we are involved in education, the media, pilgrimages, solidarity and social concern...
We are now present on five continents and in 32 countries.

The apostolate of our Congregation places our communities at the heart of the Church's mission: to gather all men into the People of God.
Our motto "Adveniat Regnum Tuum" inspires us to work for the coming of Christ's Reign in us and in the world. Just as the Father sent Him, so Christ sends us with the promise of his Spirit, to serve our brothers by proclaiming the Gospel. (Rule of life n°13)
Once God comes to reign in the heart of an apostolic religious then the love of Christ will compel him or her to go and set others on fire with this love. We must display daring, initiative and disinterestedness, in fidelity to the teaching and the orientations of the Church. That is our way of sharing in her life and mission.

Called by Christ, the source of our unity, we choose to live in community according to the Rule and the spirit of Saint Augustine:
First of all, since you have come together in community, live in a household of perfect harmony, having but one mind and one heart intent on God. (Rule of St Augustine)
To do so, we make an effort to grow in the grace of God, to bear witness and to anticipate now the reality we hope, the Kingdom of God.
The coming of the Reign of Jesus Christ for us and our neighbour is taking place in our common life. (Adapted from Rule of life n°6)

When you pray to God in psalm and hymns, meditate in your hearts what your lips are uttering (Rule of Saint Augustine)
Our prayer life is nourished by the Word of God, particularly through the meditation of Holy Scripture, the celebration of the Divine Office and the Liturgy.
Communion in the body of Christ spurs us on to live in brotherly love and to be the servants of unity among men. Through the frequent reception of the sacrament of penance, we open ourselves to God's forgiveness and thereby share more fully in the Paschal Mystery. (Rule of life n°47)