“Happy are those who live in your house, continually singing your praise!
Happy the pilgrims whom you strengthen, to make the ascent to you” (Psalm 84, 5-6)
O God,
You, whom I know through Jesus Christ,
may I will serve you
through the grace of Jesus Christ,
May I love you always
in the love of Jesus Christ,
for, through Him alone,
am I able go to you.
May I always Find You Close to Me
You are always near me,
O my God!
And, when I want especially to appeal to your infinite mercy,
I find you always
ready to greet me,
so I find that
I am never very far from you
and I you find you near to me,
like a friend
who is very close to his friend.
O God,
You, whom I know through Jesus Christ,
may I will serve you
through the grace of Jesus Christ,
May I love you always
in the love of Jesus Christ,
for, through Him alone,
am I able go to you.
May I be attached to You above All Things
O God,
my infinite and unique good
make me become attached to you above all things,
and to love you with all the love
of which my soul is capable
in the knowledge of your perfections.
Constantly Transform Me
continually transform my faith
in your word,
in the desire for the homeland
where you will appear to me
in all your glory,
and in the love that will unite me to you so that nothing can separate me from you.
O my God,
give me the light,
to see what I am lacking;
the strength to acquire
the virtues that I do not have.
Give me the grace
to follow my vocation,
so that as a true son of the Church and the Holy Virgin,
I am not a too unworthy imitator
of the virtues of Jesus,
my Master.