Ordinary time week 9, Tobit 3,1-11; 16-17; Mk12, 18-27
Not only are the Sadducees more interested in catching Jesus out, they are more interested in the theoretical debate rather than real-life issues like many so-called intellectuals. This helps us understand why Jesus said his concern was about the living, about the issues that concern, trouble, and challenge people in their everyday lives. A true intellectual seeks greater clarity about the issue rather than having the correct answer or proving that their position right. So, in thinking and reflecting on God, knowing that God is love and that God loves you personally and deeply with an inexhaustible love, will change your understanding and appreciation of God. All of which affects the understanding you have of your relationship with God. Any relationship with God is open to being continually strengthened and deepened as well as loosened and weakened, a life journey, a pilgrimage.
The book of Tobit offers an example of Tobit’s struggle with his relationship with God and how important God is in every aspect of his life and especially how he lives that life being faithful to God and to neighbour. Despite his mishaps and tragedies, he puts God in first place. He says of God: All your ways are grace and truth, all your decrees are true. In the midst of despair, Tobit prayed for death rather than life and yet, through that same prayer, he was given both life and health. However depressed, however downtrodden, when all hope seems gone, go to God in prayer but be open to an unexpected response knowing that Jesus’ deep concern is about the living and opening us to life!
by Fr Thomas O'BRIEN a.a