St Anne and Joachim
Ordinary time B, Week 17 Mt 13, 16-17 St Anne and St Joachim: a 2nd century tradition gives these names to the parents of the Virgin...
St Anne and Joachim
Sunday 25/7/2021
St Mary Magdalene
Friday 16/7/2021
Thursday 15/7/2021
Wednesday 14/07/2021
Tuesday 13/07/2021
Monday 12/07/2021
Putting our plan in God's plan
Thursday 08/07/2021
Wednesday 07/07/2021
Tuesday 06/07/2021
Monday 05/07/2021
Sunday 04/072021
Saint Thomas Apostle 03/07/2021
Friday 02/07/2021
Wednesday 30/6/2021
St Peter & Paul, Apostles 29/6/2021
Monday 28/6/2021
The healing touch